California US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate Appeals to a Navy Veteran or Person Who Now Has Lung Cancer to Call the Team at the Law Firm of Danziger & De Llano About Compensation-If Before 1982 They Had Navy-Workplace Asbestos Exposure

LOS ANGELES, June 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — According to the California US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate, "We are appealing to a Navy Veteran or person who within the last 12 months has been diagnosed with lung cancer in California or anywhere in the nation to please call the remarkable legal team at the law firm of Danziger & De Llano at 800-864-4000-if before 1982 the Navy Veteran or person had significant exposure to asbestos in the navy or at work. Financial compensation for a person like this might exceed $100,000

"We cannot overstate that most people like who we have just described never get compensated for asbestos exposure lung cancer because they and or their family members are unaware the $30 billion dollar-asbestos trust funds were set up for them too-not just in California-but nationwide. It is also incredibly important that the navy veteran or person who now has lung cancer be able to recall as much as possible about the specifics of their navy-workplace exposure to asbestos before 1982. 

"For more information about what might be substantial compensation a Navy Veteran or person who has recently been diagnosed lung cancer and who had heavy to extreme exposure to asbestos before 1982 in the navy or at work—-please make compensation a priority and call the remarkable legal team at the law firm of Danziger & De Llano at 800-864-4000."

The California US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate’s free services are available to people with asbestos exposure lung cancer or mesothelioma in Los Angeles, San Pedro, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Irvine, Oakland, Long Beach, Anaheim, Bakersfield, Riverside, Sacramento, Stockton or anywhere in California. 

High-risk work groups for exposure to asbestos in California include US Navy Veterans, workers at one of California’s more than 70 power plants, shipyard workers in San Diego, Long Beach, or San Francisco, oil refinery workers in Long Beach or Martinez, manufacturing workers, public utility workers plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics, machinists, or construction workers. Typically, the exposure to asbestos occurred in the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, or 1980’s.

States with the highest incidence of lung cancer include Kentucky, West Virginia, Maine, Tennessee, Mississippi, Ohio, Indiana, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Alabama, and Delaware.

For more information about asbestos exposure lung cancer and mesothelioma please visit the CDC’s website on these topics:

Media Contact:
Michael Thomas

SOURCE California US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate